Source code for

import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from import DataLoader, Dataset

[docs]class SCDataset(Dataset): """Container for single-cell proteomic data in the form of a pytorch dataset :param expr_input: Input expression data. See details :`expr_input` is either a `pd.DataFrame` or a three-element `tuple`. When it is `pd.DataFrame`, its index and column should indicate the cell name and feature name of the dataset; when it is a three-element `tuple`, it should be in the form of `Tuple[Union[np.array, torch.Tensor], List[str], List[str]]` and its first element should be the actual dataset as either `np.array` or `torch.tensor`, the second element should be a list containing the name of the columns or the names of features, the third element should be a list containing the name of the indices or the names of the cells.: :param marker_dict: Marker dictionary containing cell type and information. See details :The dictionary maps the name of cell type/state to protein features. : :param design: A design matrix :param include_other_column: Should an additional 'other' column be included? :param dtype: torch datatype of the model """ def __init__( self, expr_input: Union[ pd.DataFrame, Tuple[Union[np.array, torch.Tensor], List[str], List[str]] ], marker_dict: Dict[str, List[str]], include_other_column: bool, design: Optional[Union[np.array, pd.DataFrame]] = None, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float64, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), ) -> None: """Initialize an SCDataset object.""" self._dtype = dtype self._marker_dict = marker_dict self._m_features = sorted( list(set([l for s in marker_dict.values() for l in s])) ) self._classes = list(marker_dict.keys()) self._device = device ## sanitize features if len(self._classes) <= 1 and include_other_column: raise NotClassifiableError( "Classification failed. There " + "should be at least two cell classes to classify the data into." ) self._marker_mat = self._construct_marker_mat( include_other_column=include_other_column ) if isinstance(expr_input, pd.DataFrame): self._exprs = self._process_df_input(expr_input) self._expr_features = list(expr_input.columns) self._cell_names = list(expr_input.index) elif isinstance(expr_input, tuple): self._expr_features = expr_input[1] self._cell_names = expr_input[2] self._exprs = self._process_tp_input(expr_input[0]) self._design = self._fix_design(design) ## sanitize df if self._exprs.shape[0] <= 0: raise NotClassifiableError( "Classification failed. There " + "should be at least one row of data to be classified." ) self._exprs_mean = self._exprs.mean(0) self._exprs_std = self._exprs.std(0) def _process_df_input(self, df_input: pd.DataFrame) -> torch.Tensor: """Processes input as pd.DataFrame and convert it into torch.Tensor :param df_input: the input :raises NotClassifiableError: raised when there is no overlap between the data and the marker :return: the processed input as a torch.Tensor """ try: Y_np = df_input[self._m_features].values return torch.from_numpy(Y_np).to(device=self._device, dtype=self._dtype) except (KeyError): raise NotClassifiableError( "Classification failed. There's no " + "overlap between marked features and expression features for " + "the classification of cell type/state." ) def _process_tp_input(self, in_data: Union[torch.Tensor, np.array]) -> torch.Tensor: """Process the input as Tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array] and convert it to torch.Tensor. :param in_data: input as a np.array or torch.tensor :raises NotClassifiableError: raised when there is no overlap between marked features and expression feature. :return: the processed input as a torch.Tensor """ ind = [ self._expr_features.index(name) for name in self._m_features if name in self._expr_features ] if len(ind) <= 0: raise NotClassifiableError( "Classification failed. There's no " + "overlap between marked features and expression features for " + "the classification of cell type/state." ) if len(ind) < len(self._m_features): warnings.warn("Classified features are less than marked features.") Y_np = in_data[:, ind] if torch.is_tensor(Y_np): return, dtype=self._dtype) return torch.from_numpy(Y_np).to(device=self._device, dtype=self._dtype) def _construct_marker_mat(self, include_other_column: bool) -> torch.Tensor: """Construct a marker matrix. :param include_other_column: indicates whether or not include other columns. :return: A marker matrix. The rows are features and the coloumns are the corresponding classes (type/state). """ G = self.get_n_features() C = self.get_n_classes() marker_mat = torch.zeros( (G, C + 1 if include_other_column else C), dtype=self._dtype ).to(self._device) for g, feature in enumerate(self._m_features): for c, cell_class in enumerate(self._classes): if feature in self._marker_dict[cell_class]: marker_mat[g, c] = 1.0 return marker_mat def __len__(self) -> int: """Length of the input file :return: total number of cells """ # N return self._exprs.shape[0] def __getitem__( self, idx: Union[slice, int] ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Returns the protein expression of the indexed cell on the SCDataset object :param idx: the index of the cell :return: raw protein expression, normalized protein expression, sanitized design matrix of the cell at index """ y = self._exprs[idx, :] x = (y - self._exprs_mean) / self._exprs_std return y, x, self._design[idx, :] def _fix_design(self, design: Union[np.array, pd.DataFrame]) -> torch.Tensor: """Sanitize the design matrix. :param design: the unsanitized design matrix :raises NotClassifiableError: raised when the design matrix has different number of rows from the expression data :return: the sanitized design matrix """ d = None if design is None: d = torch.ones((self._exprs.shape[0], 1)).to( device=self._device, dtype=self._dtype ) else: if isinstance(design, pd.DataFrame): design = design.values d = torch.from_numpy(design).to(device=self._device, dtype=self._dtype) if d.shape[0] != self._exprs.shape[0]: raise NotClassifiableError( "Number of rows of design matrix " + "must equal number of rows of expression data" ) return d
[docs] def rescale(self) -> None: """Normalize the expression data.""" self._exprs = self._exprs / (self.get_sigma())
[docs] def get_dtype(self) -> torch.dtype: """Get the dtype of the `SCDataset`. :return: `self._dtype` :rtype: torch.dtype """ return self._dtype
[docs] def get_exprs(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Return the expression data as a :class:`torch.Tensor`.""" return self._exprs
[docs] def get_exprs_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the expression data as a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.""" df = pd.DataFrame(self._exprs.detach().cpu().numpy()) df.index = self.get_cell_names() df.columns = self.get_features() return df
[docs] def get_marker_mat(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Return the marker matrix as a :class:`torch.Tensor`.""" return self._marker_mat
[docs] def get_mu(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Get the mean expression of each protein as a :class:`torch.Tensor`.""" return self._exprs_mean
[docs] def get_sigma(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Get the standard deviation of each protein :return: standard deviation of each protein """ return self._exprs_std
[docs] def get_n_classes(self) -> int: """Get the number of 'classes': either the number of cell types or cell states.""" return len(self._classes)
[docs] def get_n_cells(self) -> int: """Get the number of cells: either the number of cell types or cell states.""" return len(self.get_cell_names())
[docs] def get_n_features(self) -> int: """Get the number of features (proteins).""" return len(self._m_features)
[docs] def get_features(self) -> List[str]: """Get the features (proteins). :return: return self._m_features :rtype: List[str] """ return self._m_features
[docs] def get_cell_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get the cell names. :return: return self._cell_names :rtype: List[str] """ return self._cell_names
[docs] def get_classes(self) -> List[str]: """Get the cell types/states. :return: return self._classes :rtype: List[str] """ return self._classes
[docs] def get_design(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Get the design matrix. :return: return self._design :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return self._design
[docs] def normalize( self, percentile_lower: float = 0, percentile_upper: float = 99.9, cofactor: float = 5.0, ) -> None: """Normalize the expression data This performs a two-step normalization: 1. A `log(1+x)` transformation to the data 2. Winsorizes to (`percentile_lower`, `percentile_upper`) :param percentile_lower: the lower bound percentile for winsorization, defaults to 0 :param percentil_upper: the upper bound percentile for winsorization, defaults to 99.9 :param cofactor: a cofactor constant, defaults to 5.0 """ with torch.no_grad(): exprs = self.get_exprs().cpu().numpy() exprs = np.arcsinh(exprs / cofactor) q_low = np.percentile(exprs, (percentile_lower), axis=0) q_high = np.percentile(exprs, (percentile_upper), axis=0) for g in range(exprs.shape[1]): exprs[:, g][exprs[:, g] < q_low[g]] = q_low[g] exprs[:, g][exprs[:, g] > q_high[g]] = q_high[g] self._exprs = torch.tensor(exprs)
[docs] def get_mu_init(self, n_putative_cells: int = 10) -> np.ndarray: """Intelligent initialization for mu parameters See manuscript for details :param n_putative_cells: Number of cells to guess as given cell type """ df_exprs = self.get_exprs_df() df_scaled = df_exprs.copy() scaler = StandardScaler() df_scaled[df_scaled.columns] = scaler.fit_transform( df_scaled[df_scaled.columns] ) df_scaled.head() putative_cells = {} for cell_type, type_markers in self._marker_dict.items(): scored_by_marker = df_scaled[type_markers].mean(1) putative_cells[cell_type] = scored_by_marker.nlargest( n_putative_cells ).index mean_inits = {} for feature in self._m_features: ## List of cell types that do not contain feature celltypes_no_feature = [ c for c in self._classes if not feature in self._marker_dict[c] ] indices_to_use = [putative_cells[ct] for ct in celltypes_no_feature] idx = indices_to_use[0] for i in range(1, len(indices_to_use)): idx = idx.union(indices_to_use[i]) mean_inits[feature] = df_exprs.loc[idx][feature].mean() mean_init = pd.Series(mean_inits).to_numpy() return mean_init
class NotClassifiableError(RuntimeError): pass