Getting started with astir

Table of Contents:

0. Load necessary libraries

# !pip install -e ../../..
import os
import sys
module_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('../../..'))
if module_path not in sys.path:
from import from_csv_yaml

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

1. Load data

We start by reading expression data in the form of a csv file and marker gene information in the form of a yaml file:

expression_mat_path = "../../../tests/test-data/sce.csv"
# expression_mat_path = "data/sample_data.csv"
yaml_marker_path = "../../../tests/test-data/jackson-2020-markers.yml"


Expression data should already be in a cleaned and normalized form. For IMC data, we perform this by an arcsinh transformation of the data with a cofactor so transformed_expression = archsinh(raw_expression / cofactor), where typically cofactor=5.

We can view both the expression data and marker data:

!head -n 20 ../../../tests/test-data/jackson-2020-markers.yml

    - Her2
    - EGFR
    - Ki-67
    - phospho Histone
    - phospho mTOR
    - phospho S6
    - cleaved PARP
    - Cleaved Caspase3

    - Vimentin
    - Fibronectin
  B cells:
pd.read_csv(expression_mat_path, index_col=0)[['EGFR','E-Cadherin', 'CD45', 'Cytokeratin 5']].head()
EGFR E-Cadherin CD45 Cytokeratin 5
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.346787 0.938354 0.227730 0.095283
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.833752 1.364884 0.068526 0.124031
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.110006 0.177361 0.301222 0.052750
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.282666 1.122174 0.606941 0.093352
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.209066 0.402554 0.588273 0.064545

Then we can create an astir object using the from_csv_yaml function. For more data loading options, see the data loading tutorial.

ast = from_csv_yaml(expression_mat_path, marker_yaml=yaml_marker_path)
Astir object, 6 cell types, 4 cell states, 100 cells

2. Fitting cell types

To fit cell types, simply call

ast.fit_type(max_epochs=10, n_init=3, n_init_epochs=2)
training restart 1/3: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [ 4.51epochs/s, current loss: 745.5]
training restart 2/3: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [108.41epochs/s, current loss: 776.6]
training restart 3/3: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [40.70epochs/s, current loss: 774.7]
training restart (final): 100%|██████████| 10/10 [82.58epochs/s, current loss: 709.0]
/Users/jinelles.h/Documents/Camlab/astir-top-level/astir/astir/ UserWarning: Maximum epochs reached. More iteration may be needed to complete the training.


Controlling inference There are many different options for controlling inference in the fit_type function, including max_epochs (maximum number of epochs to train), learning_rate (ADAM optimizer learning rate), batch_size (minibatch size), delta_loss (stops iteration once the change in loss falls below this value), n_inits (number of restarts using random initializations). For full details, see the function documentation.

We should always plot the losses to assess convergence:

plt.plot(np.arange(len(ast.get_type_losses())), ast.get_type_losses())
Text(0.5, 0, 'Epoch')

We can then get cell type assignment probabilities by calling

assignments = ast.get_celltype_probabilities()
stromal B cells T cells macrophage epithelial(basal) epithelial(luminal) Other
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.088444 0.084654 0.198811 0.105010 0.199379 0.119610 0.204091
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.110921 0.156938 0.193806 0.122539 0.200939 0.114491 0.100367
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.099029 0.107530 0.210399 0.135788 0.174190 0.126138 0.146926
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.117755 0.119934 0.221191 0.103741 0.150916 0.140125 0.146337
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.102338 0.106135 0.221755 0.135476 0.157753 0.125728 0.150815
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
BaselTMA_SP41_114_X13Y4_1057 0.100268 0.128181 0.204113 0.140633 0.170518 0.111839 0.144448
BaselTMA_SP41_141_X11Y2_2596 0.112603 0.143363 0.201669 0.148209 0.161044 0.116404 0.116708
BaselTMA_SP41_100_X15Y5_170 0.111955 0.130958 0.203715 0.144000 0.163306 0.119814 0.126253
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_2604 0.076987 0.084889 0.218953 0.114034 0.200917 0.130515 0.173706
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_81 0.131032 0.128943 0.206584 0.123474 0.145218 0.125953 0.138796

100 rows × 7 columns

We can also visualize the assignment probabilities using a heatmap:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f8041845410>

where each row corresponds to a cell, and each column to a cell type, with the entry being the probability of that cell belonging to a particular cell type.

To fetch an array corresponding to the most likely cell type assignments, call

BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 Unknown
... ...
BaselTMA_SP41_114_X13Y4_1057 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_141_X11Y2_2596 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_100_X15Y5_170 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_2604 Unknown
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_81 Unknown

100 rows × 1 columns

Cell type diagnostics

It is important to run diagnostics to ensure that cell types express their markers at higher levels than other cell types. To do this, run the diagnostics_celltype() function, which will alert to any issues if a cell type doesn’t express its marker signficantly higher than an alternative cell type (for which that protein isn’t a marker):

feature should be expressed higher in than mean cell type 1 mean cell type 2 p-value note


In this tutorial, we end up with many “Only 1 cell in a type: comparison not possible” notes - this is simply because the small dataset size results in only a single cell assigned to many types, making statistical testing infeasible.

Calling ast.diagnostics_celltype() returns a pd.DataFrame, where each column corresponds to a particular protein and two cell types, with a warning if the protein is not expressed at higher levels in the cell type for which it is a marker than the cell type for which it is not.

The diagnostics:

  1. Iterates through every cell type and every marker for that cell type

  2. Given a cell type c and marker g, find the set of cell types D that don’t have g as a marker

  3. For each cell type d in D, perform a t-test between the expression of marker g in c vs d

  4. If g is not expressed significantly higher (at significance alpha), output a diagnostic explaining this for further investigation.

If multiple issues are found, the markers and cell types may need refined.

3. Fitting cell state


Cell state fitting in Astir is currently experimental and not included in the initial paper.

Similarly as before, to fit cell state, call

ast.fit_state(batch_size = 1024, learning_rate=1e-3, max_epochs=10)
/Users/jinelles.h/Documents/Camlab/astir-top-level/astir/astir/ UserWarning: Delta loss batch size is greater than the number of epochs
  warnings.warn("Delta loss batch size is greater than the number of epochs")
training restart 1/5: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [129.59epochs/s, current loss: 196.5]
training restart 2/5: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [117.63epochs/s, current loss: 231.9]
training restart 3/5: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [124.46epochs/s, current loss: 217.7]
training restart 4/5: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [88.48epochs/s, current loss: 275.4]
training restart 5/5: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [100.32epochs/s, current loss: 202.0]
training restart (final): 100%|██████████| 10/10 [92.36epochs/s, current loss: 170.3]
/Users/jinelles.h/Documents/Camlab/astir-top-level/astir/astir/ UserWarning: Maximum epochs reached. More iteration may be needed to complete the training.

and similary plot the losses via

plt.plot(np.arange(len(ast.get_state_losses())), ast.get_state_losses())
Text(0.5, 0, 'Epoch')

and cell state assignments can be inferred via

states = ast.get_cellstates()
RTK_signalling proliferation mTOR_signalling apoptosis
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.568386 0.900861 0.656078 0.548110
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.421357 0.000000 0.524859 0.820946
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.944829 0.561159 0.979277 0.778787
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.858426 0.705787 0.938068 0.697319
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.933672 0.574031 0.980568 0.764967
... ... ... ... ...
BaselTMA_SP41_114_X13Y4_1057 0.881551 0.447002 0.899008 1.000000
BaselTMA_SP41_141_X11Y2_2596 0.767853 0.684847 0.856773 0.722046
BaselTMA_SP41_100_X15Y5_170 0.952977 0.548220 0.977899 0.786169
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_2604 0.836241 0.692617 0.908256 0.700867
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_81 0.691698 0.719179 0.705012 0.660071

100 rows × 4 columns

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f8041709d90>

Cell state diagnostics

It is important to run diagnostics on cell states model for the same reasons stated for the cell type model. Astir.diagnostics_cellstate() spots any non marker protein and pathway pairs whose expressions are higher than those of the marker proteins of the pathway.

pathway protein A correlation of protein A protein B correlation of protein B note
0 RTK_signalling Her2 -0.542371 Ki-67 -0.062491 Her2 is marker for RTK_signalling but Ki-67 isn't
1 RTK_signalling Her2 -0.542371 phospho S6 -0.519752 Her2 is marker for RTK_signalling but phospho ...
2 proliferation Ki-67 0.241679 Her2 0.344042 Ki-67 is marker for proliferation but Her2 isn't
3 proliferation Ki-67 0.241679 phospho S6 0.411222 Ki-67 is marker for proliferation but phospho ...
4 proliferation Ki-67 0.241679 phospho mTOR 0.316836 Ki-67 is marker for proliferation but phospho ...
5 mTOR_signalling phospho mTOR -0.776636 Cleaved Caspase3 -0.557334 phospho mTOR is marker for mTOR_signalling but...
6 mTOR_signalling phospho mTOR -0.776636 EGFR -0.412919 phospho mTOR is marker for mTOR_signalling but...
7 mTOR_signalling phospho mTOR -0.776636 Her2 -0.405998 phospho mTOR is marker for mTOR_signalling but...
8 mTOR_signalling phospho mTOR -0.776636 Ki-67 -0.012072 phospho mTOR is marker for mTOR_signalling but...
9 mTOR_signalling phospho mTOR -0.776636 cleaved PARP -0.557334 phospho mTOR is marker for mTOR_signalling but...

Calling ast.diagnostics_cellstate() returns a pd.DataFrame, where each column corresponds to a particular protein and two cell types, with a warning if the protein is not expressed at higher levels in the cell state for which it is a marker than the cell state for which it is not.

The diagnostics:

  1. Get correlations between all cell states and proteins

  2. For each cell state c, get the smallest correlation with marker g

  3. For each cell state c and its non marker g, find any correlation that is bigger than those smallest correlation for c.

  4. Any c and g pairs found in step 3 will be included in the output of Astir.diagnostics_cellstate(), including an explanation.

If multiple issues are found, the markers and cell states may need refined.

4. Saving results

Both cell type and cell state information can easily be saved to disk via

!head -n 3 data/cell-types.csv
!head -n 3 data/cell-states.csv

where the first (unnamed) column always corresponds to the cell name/ID.

5. Accessing internal functions and data

Data stored in astir objects is in the form of an SCDataSet. These can be retrieved via

celltype_data = ast.get_type_dataset()
< at 0x7f8041983290>

and similarly for cell state via ast.get_state_dataset().

These have several helper functions to retrieve relevant information to the dataset:

celltype_data.get_cell_names()[0:4] # cell names
celltype_data.get_classes() # cell type names
 'B cells',
 'T cells',
print(celltype_data.get_n_classes()) # number of cell types
print(celltype_data.get_n_features()) # number of features / proteins
celltype_data.get_exprs() # Return a torch tensor corresponding to the expression data used
tensor([[0.1026, 0.1004, 0.2277,  ..., 0.6097, 2.2151, 0.7714],
        [0.1081, 0.0176, 0.0685,  ..., 1.0622, 0.5026, 3.9632],
        [0.0498, 0.0943, 0.3012,  ..., 0.1601, 0.8102, 0.0481],
        [0.0695, 0.0119, 0.0869,  ..., 0.4487, 0.7593, 1.4923],
        [0.0929, 0.1266, 0.2395,  ..., 0.4405, 2.2464, 0.4174],
        [0.0618, 0.1439, 0.2476,  ..., 0.7055, 3.1238, 0.2552]],
celltype_data.get_exprs_df() # Return a pandas DataFrame corresponding to the expression data used
CD20 CD3 CD45 CD68 Cytokeratin 14 Cytokeratin 19 Cytokeratin 5 Cytokeratin 7 Cytokeratin 8/18 E-Cadherin Fibronectin Her2 Vimentin pan Cytokeratin
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.102576 0.100401 0.227730 2.227252 0.195163 0.190923 0.095283 0.057050 0.461040 0.938354 1.829905 0.609694 2.215089 0.771352
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.108137 0.017637 0.068526 0.208297 0.234853 0.685858 0.124031 0.485330 0.382767 1.364884 1.226994 1.062229 0.502627 3.963248
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.049809 0.094316 0.301222 0.581624 0.072666 0.115979 0.052750 0.035875 0.020290 0.177361 2.222520 0.160135 0.810243 0.048100
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.024256 0.140441 0.606941 0.490982 0.165863 0.652143 0.093352 0.351700 0.904383 1.122174 1.402750 1.133448 1.742495 1.917118
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.138571 0.111722 0.588273 1.039967 0.162696 0.086235 0.064545 0.009627 0.046967 0.402554 2.669947 0.558439 1.659587 0.687005
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
BaselTMA_SP41_114_X13Y4_1057 0.185995 0.049244 0.151869 0.296231 0.151970 0.175114 0.108374 0.021539 0.207346 2.120132 0.743909 1.460545 0.069651 1.666665
BaselTMA_SP41_141_X11Y2_2596 0.100324 0.024006 0.025612 0.091424 0.049996 0.324138 0.083866 0.069627 0.614213 1.637392 0.860960 0.789372 0.000000 2.584532
BaselTMA_SP41_100_X15Y5_170 0.069503 0.011859 0.086852 0.538247 0.037131 0.321179 0.096496 0.000000 0.696445 0.861641 1.724828 0.448688 0.759268 1.492342
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_2604 0.092944 0.126645 0.239459 1.967150 0.171216 0.132563 0.055748 0.082334 0.128377 0.532135 1.899111 0.440527 2.246434 0.417445
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_81 0.061784 0.143930 0.247627 0.316248 0.232111 0.145036 0.080324 0.000000 0.208533 0.899182 2.475906 0.705456 3.123784 0.255158

100 rows × 14 columns

CD20 CD3 CD45 CD68 Cytokeratin 14 Cytokeratin 19 Cytokeratin 5 Cytokeratin 7 Cytokeratin 8/18 E-Cadherin Fibronectin Her2 Vimentin pan Cytokeratin
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.020514 0.020079 0.045530 0.384408 0.039023 0.038175 0.019055 0.011410 0.092078 0.186586 0.358267 0.121639 0.429674 0.153665
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.021626 0.003527 0.013705 0.041647 0.046953 0.136745 0.024804 0.096914 0.076479 0.269695 0.243000 0.210879 0.100357 0.726918
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.009962 0.018862 0.060208 0.116064 0.014533 0.023194 0.010550 0.007175 0.004058 0.035465 0.431033 0.032021 0.161348 0.009620
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.004851 0.028085 0.121092 0.098039 0.033167 0.130062 0.018669 0.070282 0.179905 0.222592 0.276994 0.224792 0.341804 0.374601
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.027711 0.022343 0.117385 0.206522 0.032533 0.017246 0.012909 0.001925 0.009393 0.080424 0.511404 0.111457 0.326107 0.136972
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
BaselTMA_SP41_114_X13Y4_1057 0.037190 0.009849 0.030369 0.059212 0.030389 0.035016 0.021673 0.004308 0.041457 0.412250 0.148238 0.288107 0.013930 0.327450
BaselTMA_SP41_141_X11Y2_2596 0.020063 0.004801 0.005122 0.018284 0.009999 0.064782 0.016772 0.013925 0.122536 0.321891 0.171352 0.157226 0.000000 0.496282
BaselTMA_SP41_100_X15Y5_170 0.013900 0.002372 0.017370 0.107443 0.007426 0.064192 0.019298 0.000000 0.138843 0.171486 0.338466 0.089618 0.151276 0.294206
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_2604 0.018588 0.025326 0.047873 0.383928 0.034236 0.026509 0.011149 0.016466 0.025673 0.106227 0.371236 0.087992 0.435399 0.083392
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_81 0.012356 0.028782 0.049505 0.063207 0.046406 0.029003 0.016064 0.000000 0.041695 0.178881 0.476898 0.140627 0.589937 0.051009

100 rows × 14 columns

6. Saving models

After fixing the models, we can save the cell type/state assignment, the losses, the parameters (e.g. mu, rho, log_sigma, etc) and the run informations (e.g. batch_size, learning_rate, delta_loss, etc) to an hdf5 file.


The hierarchy of the hdf5 file would be:


Only the model that is trained will be saved (CellTypeModel or CellStateModel or both). If the functioned is called before any model is trained, exception will be raised. Data saved in the file is either int or np.array.

7. Plot clustermap of expression data

After fixing the cell type model, we can also plot a heatmap of protein expression of cells clustered by type. The heatmap will be saved at the location plot_name, which is default to "./celltype_protein_cluster.png"

ast.type_clustermap(plot_name="./img/celltype_protein_cluster.png", threshold = 0.7, figsize=(7, 5))

Note: threshold is the probability threshold above which a cell is assigned to a cell type, default to 0.7.

8. Hierarchical model specification

In the marker yaml file, the user can also add a section called hierarchy, which specifies the hierarchical structure of cell types. Here’s an example:

        - epithelial(luminal)
        - epithelial(basal)
    immune cells:
            - macrophage
            - T cells
            - B cells

Some notes: 1. The section would be accessed by key hierarchy. 2. In the section, the higher-levelled cell type names should be the keys. 3. The values in the section should also exist as the cell type names in the cell_types section. (e.g. if we have "B cells" in marker["hierarchy"]["immune"], we should also be able to get marker["cell_types"]["B cells"]) 4. In terms of depth in the example: - depth=1: assign to epithelial_cells or immune_cells - depth=2: assign to epithelial(luminal), epithelial(basal), non-lymphocyte and lymphocyte - depth=3: assign to epithelial(luminal), epithelial(basal), macrophage, T cells and B cells

This section could be used to summarize the cell types assignment at a higher hierarchical level. (e.g. a cell is predicted as “immune” instead of “B cells” or “T cells”)

hierarchy_probs = ast.assign_celltype_hierarchy(depth = 1)
epithelial_cells immune cells
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.318990 0.388475
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.315430 0.473283
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.300328 0.453717
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.291041 0.444866
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.283482 0.463366
hierarchy_probs = ast.assign_celltype_hierarchy(depth = 2)
epithelial(luminal) epithelial(basal) non-lymphocytes lymphocytes
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.119610 0.199379 0.105010 0.283465
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.114491 0.200939 0.122539 0.350744
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.126138 0.174190 0.135788 0.317929
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.140125 0.150916 0.103741 0.341125
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.125728 0.157753 0.135476 0.327890
hierarchy_probs = ast.assign_celltype_hierarchy(depth = 3)
epithelial(luminal) epithelial(basal) macrophage T cells B cells
BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4_3679 0.119610 0.199379 0.105010 0.198811 0.084654
BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5_246 0.114491 0.200939 0.122539 0.193806 0.156938
BaselTMA_SP41_20_X12Y5_197 0.126138 0.174190 0.135788 0.210399 0.107530
BaselTMA_SP41_14_X1Y8_84 0.140125 0.150916 0.103741 0.221191 0.119934
BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4_266 0.125728 0.157753 0.135476 0.221755 0.106135

To make it more clear, here’s a heatmap for the cell assignment in a higher hierarchy:


The way it is calculated is simply summing up the probabilities of the cell type assignments under the same hierarchy.

9. Using astir as command line tool

astir could also be used as a command line tool with csv input. Here are some example.

To fit cell types on the sample csv file and marker with a design matrix, setting n_init to 3 and batch_size to 128:

!astir type ../../../tests/test-data/test_data.csv ../../../tests/test-data/jackson-2020-markers.yml data/test_data_type_assignments.csv --design ../../../tests/test-data/design.csv --n_init 3 --batch_size 128
training restart 1/3: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [164.98epochs/s, current loss: -25.6]
training restart 2/3: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [181.48epochs/s, current loss: -33.4]
training restart 3/3: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [177.48epochs/s, current loss: -12.5]
training restart (final): 100%|███| 50/50 [198.48epochs/s, current loss: -591.9]
/Users/jinelles.h/Documents/Camlab/astir-top-level/astir/astir/ UserWarning: Maximum epochs reached. More iteration may be needed to complete the training.

To fit cell states on the sample csv file and marker, setting learning rate to 5e-4, dropout_rate to 0.2 and batch_norm to True:

!astir state ../../../tests/test-data/test_data.csv ../../../tests/test-data/jackson-2020-markers.yml data/test_data_type_assignments.csv --design ../../../tests/test-data/design.csv --learning_rate 5e-4 --dropout_rate 0.2 --batch_norm True
training restart 1/3: 100%|████████| 5/5 [142.02epochs/s, current loss: 32237.3]
training restart 2/3: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [226.10epochs/s, current loss: 963.2]
training restart 3/3: 100%|███████| 5/5 [230.45epochs/s, current loss: 147046.4]
training restart (final):   0%|          | 0/50 [?epochs/s, current loss: 883.6]

Moreover, astir could also be used as a converter which converts rds file with SingleCellExperiment to csv file. see more details

Run astir -h, astir type -h, astir state -h and astir convert -h in the command line for more details.
